PCCA Member-Dealers

Charlie and Barbara Adams

Address: So. Yarmouth, MA 02664-4533 Email: Adams_2430@msn.com Website: none - only does shows General lines antiques New England Region Specialty: Specializing in Baskets, Bennington, Pewter

Greg Aurand

Address: Cortland Manor, NY 10567-6516 Email: gaurand@excite.com Website: www.americanlifeantiques.com Specialty: Antique American and British Pewter, Hearth Iron, Painted Tinware, other metal wares, Decorative Arts of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

David & Cheryl Craig

Indianapolis, IN 46259 Email: cdc1313@cs.com Website: www.davidcraigantiques.com Specialty: Antique pewter, furniture, decoys, paintings

Fred Danforth

Address: Middlebury, VT Email: fred@danforthpewter.com Website: http://www.danforthpewter.com Specialty: Pewter gift ware - Contemporary & traditional designs Workshop and 4 retail stores in VT Shirley Pewter Shop, Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Alan Fogel

Address: Silver Springs, MD 20905-5975 Email: twintankard@aol.com Website: none - only does shows Specialty: European and British Pewter from 16th - 19th Century Mid-Atlantic region other metal wares, artwork, Russian Antiquities

Jonathan Gibson

Address: 26 North Main Street, Washington, NH 03280 Email: jc@gibsonpewter.com Website: www.gibsonpewter.com Specialty: Traditional and Contemporary pewterware since 1966. Antique American & British pewter for sale. Restoration & cleaning service available. Shop open year round Monday - Saturday 9am - 5 pm

Ken Goldberg

Address: Kingston, MA 02364-1928 Email: dustoffkg@hotmail.com Website: www.pewtersellers.com Specialty: British, American & European Pewter Also sells pewter on consignment from PCCA members Many resources on website Partnership with Carl Ricketts

Wayne & Phyllis Hilt

Address: Haddam Neck, CT 06424-3022 Email: philt@snet.net Website: www.hiltpewter.com Specialty: Antique American and British Pewter Does pewter restoration Coverlets, Baskets, & Iron for the Hearth

Ed Jendry

Address: Conway, MA 01341-9740 Email: eljendry@localnet.com Website: none Specialty: Antique American Pewter

David Kilroy

Address: Lexington, MA 02421-8244 Email: david.kilroy@verizon.net Website: http://stores.ebay.com/Eaglemark-Antiques Specialty:Antique American Pewter

Frank Powell

Address: Downingtown, PA 19335-3630 Email: pewtrfreak@aol.com Website: www.antiquepewtershop.com Specialty: Antique American & British pewter Does pewter restoration

Carl Ricketts

Address: Bishops Lydeard Somerset TA4 3QU United Kingdom Email: carl.ricketts@btinternet.com Website: www.pewtersellers.com Specialty: British, American & European Pewter Also sells pewter on consignment from PCCA members Many resources on website Partnership with Ken Goldberg

Quincy Scarborough

Address: Fayetteville, NC 28302-0067 Email: qscarborough1@aol.com Website: none Specialty: local shows, & ebay Antique Brittish, Continental & American Pewter; antique metalware

Robert Werowinski

Address: Charleston, SC 29412-2004 Email: jamesislandantiq@aol.com Website: none Specialty: Antique American and British Pewter Antique furniture & accessories

Bette and Mel Wolf

Address: Flint, MI 48532-23362 Email: b.m.wolf@att.net Website: www.wolfpewter.com Specialty: Antique American and British Pewter

Our dealer list is currently unavailable, but we’re working on updating it. Please check back soon!